Notebooks In Advertisement

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Here are some ideas that really work!

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▸ The cover with additional values: After a hard day at the university you not only need a chocolate bar, but also a notebook that you can convert into a pillow.

▸ As if it had been cut out of one block of material with a sharp blade: four different colors are printed on the edge of the book, thus promoting the precision of a knife.

▸ Whether it's skinned or not, this notebook provides sufficient space for the best fish recipes.

▸ Dust covers in different varieties give your notebook a personal touch.

▸ A notebook with a calendar and accessories like a bookmark, a magnet and a box as package is highly functional.

▸ To read their own names in gold letters on a cover really appeals to donees.

▸ In a notebook, you have enough space to tell the "whole story".

▸ Both the learning process and brilliant inspirations are fixated in a notebook.

▸ Pens like paper. And notebooks.

▸ Every country has a unique story to tell. As a tourist, you should bring your notebook to write down all your experiences.

▸ A notebook can be more than just a repository of ideas.
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