The Perfect Day To Start Keeping A Diary

inspiration, we love

A project by the youth magazine JETZT by Süddeutsche Zeitung

Tagebuch2012 schreiben teaser
"When another year has gone by you suddenly realize all the things you forgot. You don't realize it by watching the annual review on TV, but by finding the receipt for the surfboard you bought and never used. You realize it by putting on pants you haven't thought about for a long time and finding keys for a bike that was stolen in the pockets. And even that you forgot.

You realize it when you empty your voicemail and by downloading the photos from your memory card. You realize that time has gone by and made all the good and bad things fade. We actually think that's kind of sad. That's why we intend to do something old-fashioned in 2012:

Keeping a journal. Not home alone, but together with the whole community we want to document 2012. We want to show as many voices as possible, telling the world what it's like to be young today. That's why we need your help. Go and write down the stories of your day and your week, even when nothing special happened. You can even tell us when you don't want to share secrets or when you don't want to share anything at all.

Write in telegram style or prose, the only important thing is: It's about your every-day life, the life in midst of a few great moments, the life that is happening right now. Stories and tales, phenomenologies and payoffs still belong on - but the chronology of your year, your schedule and your journeys belongs in your diary."

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