OUT NOW The New Viva Collection – starting from just 25 copies

043 vintage d1 brandbook notizbuecher notebooks
043 vintage d2 brandbook notizbuecher notebooks
043 vintage d3 brandbook notizbuecher notebooks

Vintage Notebooks

Sweaty bodies have touched this piece of cowhide a million times that, for years, has done its duty as a pommel horse in schools. Now, this sought-after and most of all, rare vintage material is the cover of a notebook and thereby an absolute must-have for school sport nostalgics, big-city shoppers and fans of the genuine and authentic. The interior of the notebook consists of Munken Pure paper that is, of course, thread-bound.

These charming notebooks are extremely robust and will also hold up against all odds. Because of the understandable shortage of material, these circuit- training notebooks are strictly limited and can only be purchased in selected leather/handbag shops.

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