KM7 show


Selected works of Klaus Mai

Km7 show
Graphic has the tendency to discretely classify or subordinate. Never push into the foreground. Klaus Mai follows the opposite way. His main topic is an exalted graphical appearance. Mai´s work speaks with a loud voice. Blaze opulence instead of discouraged reluctance dominates his oevre.

Under the name of KM7 he characterizes the look of advertisement campaigns and events, creates on-screen-designs for TV stations and shapes books. Among his customers are notable companies and brands such as Audi, Nike and Swatch.

You can find Further informations about his creative bureau at Frankfurt´s Brückenstraßenviertel on his website: From the 18th of August until the 18th of September, 2011, the gallery Brücke 66 exhibits selected works within the KM7 show.
The vernissage takes place at Thursday next week (18th of August) from 19pm.

We hope you can collect some interesting insights into the design world of Klaus Mai!

Exhibition room:
Brückenstraße 66
60594 Frankfurt/Main.

Opening hours during the “KM7 Show”:
Monday till Friday 16pm-20pm,
Saturday 16pm-19pm.

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