138 zeitloses cover artwork d1 individuelle notizbuecher
138 zeitloses cover artwork d2 individuelle notizbuecher
138 zeitloses cover artwork d3 individuelle notizbuecher
138 zeitloses cover artwork d4 individuelle notizbuecher

Timeless Cover Artwork

The free and intuitive lines of this white cover drawing that are carried out in one stroke without removing the pen from the page shows two hands that meet at the centre of the surface. The Singer stich book with a black soft touch cover was produced for the famous furniture manufacturer Walter Knoll. The drawing originates from the house of the young Stuttgart communication design agency Wessinger and Peng and was produced on the occasion of the international furniture trade fair IMM Cologne. The creative hand stands for the transferral of the idea from paper to reality – the perfect cover motif for a sketchbook that wants to be filled with new drawings and ideas.

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