074 songbook d1 brandbook notizbuecher notebooks
074 songbook d2 brandbook notizbuecher notebooks
074 songbook d3 brandbook notizbuecher notebooks

Ein Notizbuch für Singer-Songwriter

What is perhaps the most personal tool of a musician? His notebook! Sweat and coffee stains tell of sleepless nights and tour excesses, empty pages of the last creative crisis, wild scribbling of creative high altitude flights. Where else can intimate thoughts be transposed into deeply profound lyrics or brilliant chord sequences be written down, the result of back stage jam sessions.

The perfect merchandising alternative to the usual shirts and posters: top quality notebooks and calendars that hum your favourite song during tedious appointment coordination and therefore offer the perfect source of inspiration for your own thoughts. An example: This A6 format calendar for the British singer-songwriter and Grammy Award winner Ed Sheeran.

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