134 siebdruck notizbuch cover d1 individuell gestaltet
134 siebdruck notizbuch cover d2 individuell gestaltet

Cover Finishing with Silkscreen

colors activate different feelings and associations – and, if chosen well, can be genuinely cheering! In order to produce a true intensive color experience for your notebooks, we recommend the silkscreen technique. No other printing process can reach higher color intensity. In addition, all the special colors and even those with heat-sensitive, structured or glow-in-the-dark effects can be used. For our nuuna series, we work time and again with luminous neon tones. According to color experts, orange is known to be especially “stimulating.” Yes, if it is produced in the right nuance, it can generate real feelings of happiness. Those who are familiar with our nuuna notebooks can only confirm this.

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