OUT NOW The New Viva Collection – starting from just 25 copies

021 nuuna reddot d1 brandbook notizbuecher notebooks
021 nuuna reddot d3 brandbook notizbuecher notebooks
021 nuuna reddot d2 brandbook notizbuecher notebooks

Excellent: Red Dot Award

We are happy to announce, that our notebooks were awarded the renowned Red Dot Design Award! The sought-after Red Dot Design Award is the revered international seal of outstanding design quality.

nuuna books are notebooks against the same old retro-nostalgia, but for the here and now: made in Germany by brandbook, with Swedish premium paper inside, thread-stitched and bound in innovative materials like smooth bonded leather with cover motifs applied via silk-screen printing. Our 360°-principle integrates the book edges into the design concept via edge coloring. Combined with special features like thermosensitive silk-screen or iridescent gloss effects, nuuna notebooks turn into real design objects.

You have spotted an exciting notebook and would like to receive more information? You've got a nice idea for a book project, and need our support? You require a non-binding quotation on your favoured print run? We look forward to hearing your questions and comments!

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