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142 praezise pattern d1 custom designed
142 praezise pattern d2 custom designed
142 praezise pattern d3 custom designed

A Precise Pattern

It takes a second glance to realise that this special flexcover edition from our nuuna collection is a notebook – it could also be a futuristic designer piece. Even more astonishing for those present is when it is opened to write something down. The trick is the red-blue silkscreen print on the white cover that continues seamlessly onto the book's printed edges – simply brilliant. brandbook can do it: brilliant cover design – no problem. Motifs that run up to and over the rounded edges – no problem. Eco-friendly paper and cover material – no problem.

You have spotted an exciting notebook and would like to receive more information? You've got a nice idea for a book project, and need our support? You require a non-binding quotation on your favoured print run? We look forward to hearing your questions and comments!

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