Visit Us At The ADC Festival 2013 In Hamburg

brandbook, event

We'll be on Europe's largest creative festival in Hamburgwith our stand from Thursday through Saturday.

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You can not only look at our books, but also take a look at
some new releases by the Herrmann Schmidt Verlag. Frank Berzbach's wonderfulbook "Die Kunst ein kreatives Leben zu führen" (The Art of Leading a Creative Life) is only one of them.

We're looking forward to seeing you and to being in Hamburg!

ADC Exhibition
Stockmeyerstraße 41-43,
20457 Hamburg

Our Stand is right on the extension of Gleis 708, diagonally
opposite of the exhibition area "Design".

Opening hours:
16 May 2013: 11 a.m. through 6 p.m.
17 May 2013: 10 a.m. through 8 p.m.
18 May 2013: 10 a.m. through 8 p.m.
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