Notebook for the St. Gallen Symposium 2011

brandbook, collaboration

Something stylish for Mr. president

St gallen symposium notizbuch von brandbookde
Between the 12th and 13th of 2011 top-class managers and politicians from all around the world met at St. Gallen in Switzerland to discuss the role of economy during the post-crises period.

The attendant of the 41st symposium got assembled with a notebook of brandbook, which accompanied them throughout the event. Therefore the attendants were able to capture ideas and notes or place business cards within the integrated accordion pocket.

Notebooks for marketing purposes.

Since a couple of years brandbook equips more and more events, conferences and events with individual produced notebooks. In it the attendants find useful information, an agenda or – according to the financing – also sponsorship advertisements. Important for the organiser: Also after the event the notebooks stay in use – despite of Blackberry and Co. After all, even top managers do not get a beautiful and high-quality notebook every day.

Product specifications

▸ Cover material: Fine paper if Fedrigoni in dark blue
▸ Book accessories: plugged in banderole made from fine paper with laser cut motive
▸ Refinement/Branding: Metallic embossment in silver
▸ book pad: 160 pages FokusBook 2.0 100g/m²
▸ Extras: Inside pocket within the endleave made from fine paper.

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