Grüezi Züri!

brandbook, event

brandbook auf der SuisseEMEX

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We are happy to exhibit at the marketing fair Suisse EMEX in Zurich between the 23rd and 25th of August.

Zurich is always good for a short trip and even more since it developed to a European design Mekka. Even the typo-popstar David Carson came to Zurich although he represents the contrary of Swiss´s objective graphic. With huge design bureaus such as Meta and Interbrand as well as bureaus of international advertising agencies, Zurich developed itself to a real creative city.

One more reason to introduce our books, all new papers, cover material as well as print and refining options in Zurich. Special highlights at our booth are entirely new products – manufactures from fascinating papers of the most creative Japanese paper mills. We are very pleased with your visit and a refreshing bath in Lake Zurich.

The SuisseEMEX is the biggest B2B trade fair, networking and business platform within the marketing, communication and event branch.

The next fair takes place between the 23rd and 25th of August, 2011, at Zurich fair.
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Grueezi zuri suisseemex 3

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